My DMI Diary

Documentation on projects and courses I completed at Dynamic Media Institute

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“My DMI Diary” is a responsive website which I created to demo my work and experience at the Dynamic Media Institute (DMI). The site documented some of my projects from the courses which I had taken, such as Design As Experience, Elements of Media, Information Architecture, Web Design, Advanced Web Project, Design Symposium and Sensor Technology for Interactive Environments at the MIT Media Lab.


The Dynamic Media Institute at MassArt is an MFA program that studies interactive design, data visualization, sound and video installation, small objects, big data and much more through a rigorous practice of research, prototyping, and writing. My peers were fine artists, designers, architects, engineers, programmers, and educators.

With double degrees in Applied Mathematics and Graphic Design, my interest had always been exploring the crossover of arts, design and technology. Rich in the prototyping and problem solving culture, DMI inspired me to push the boundaries of different disciplines, practice both design thinking and technical know-how, which led to my passion and landed my career in user experience design, rapid prototyping and technical solutioning.